Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Microsoft TS2 Event - Cincinnati

Presenter: Peter

Server 2008 Compelling Features

  • Powershell - scripted maintenance routines
    • Hundreds of scripts already available
    • All management features, including GUI, overlays for PS scripts
    • MyITForum.com
  • Deployment is based on image copy from media to drive.
  • Assign Roles (server services) / Features (specific components)
  • Server Core - extremely minimal install of the server OS / features
  • Native IP v4 / v6 support
  • Web Services
    • IIS 7.0
      • Modular component deployment
    • Windows Sharepoint Services
      • Extended supportability and feature sets
      • Sharepoint today = email 7 years ago
    • Windows Media Services
  • Virtualization
    • Presentation (Terminal Services)
    • Server (Virtual Server 2005 / Windows Server Virtualization / HyperVisor)
    • Desktop (Virtual PC)
    • Application (SoftGrid)
      • Allow multiple versions of applications on same machine with no compatibility issues
      • Basically application publishing
      • Full SoftGrid still available as Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack
    • Hyper-V (BareBones VM Host)
    • System Center  Virtual Server Manager
  • Terminal Services Gateway
    • Remote Web Workplace for the enterprise
    • Tunnel RDP over HTTPs to an internal gateway that proxys the connection to the end point.
  • Security
    • Network Access Protection
      • Make sure patches / av / security up to date before machines get to your corporate resources
    • Read-only domain controllers
      • Only passwords allowed are stored on remote server
      • One way replication, read-only copy.
      • Users must be added at source
      • With bit-locker and RODC, secures remote access

Citrix - Meh...

Vista Service Pack 1

  • Holy crap, what a bitch fest

MS Online Services

  • Predictable IT costs
  • Peace of mind for security and reliability
  • Low run rates
  • Partner Opportunities
    • Expand reach
      • new customers
      • new segments
      • new scenarios
    • Grow revenue
      • new services
      • recurring revenut
      • upsell to online suite
    • Increase Velocity
      • increase capacity
      • scale
      • increase margins

Small Business Server 2008

  • SBS 2008 Premium requires 2 boxes.
  • 1st MUST be 64-bit. 2nd can be 64 or 32-bit.
  • Optionally, ignore 2nd OS license and install SQL on primary box (which must be 64-bit)
  • SBS may support Hyper-V.
  • 75 CAL limit (concurrent)
  • Single home network only - single NIC only (teaming OK)
  • IIS is no more. Will be rolled into ForeFront.



  • Average IT Budget - 70% maintenance / 30% new purchases
  • 80% closure rate for Competitive Sales Assistance
  • Dynamics under same management structure as Office in Redmond. Increased integration down the road.

Action Items

  • Find someone to partner with that can do VOIP. Integrating with MS technologies critical.
  • Get "fantastic 40 templates"
  • Check out the Big Easy Offer
  • Check out Open License subscriptions - low monthly fee for licensing
  • Check on Small Business Specialist smbizspecialist.com


"Other thoughts"

  • When presenting, don't ask the question if you don't know what the answer is going to be. Presenter is 0 for 3 on rhetorical questions 10 minutes into the presentation.
  • Definitely a high level of Asperger's Syndrome in the room. Small Business consultants are some serious geeks. "Well actually...."

1 comment:

Daniel white said...

what kind of free stuff did you get