Friday, February 13, 2009

Vista Defrag: Nice Utility - No Feedback

The defrag utility in Windows XP was a useful utility that provided a text report on fragmentation statistics as well as a graphical representation of the hard drive showing fragmentation.

Vista has none of that. For some reason, the developers removed all the reporting and set defrag as a background process. Admittedly, it does a good job of keeping the system relatively cleaned up.

However, sometimes as an admin, I just gotta know what's up with the volume. Command line to the rescue!

Open a command prompt in administrative mode (right click and choose Run as administrator and then type defrag /?

Description:  Locates and consolidates fragmented files on local volumes to improve system performance.

Syntax:  defrag.exe <volume> -a [-v]
defrag.exe <volume> [{-r | -w}] [-f] [-v]
defrag.exe       -c [{-r | -w}] [-f] [-v]


Value                 Description

<volume>              Specifies the drive letter or mount point path of the volume to  be defragmented or analyzed.

-c                        De fragments all volumes on this computer.

-a                        Performs fragmentation analysis only.

-r                        Performs partial defragmentation (default). Attempts to consolidate only fragments smaller than 64MB.

-w                       Performs full defragmentation. Attempts to consolidate all file fragments, regardless of their size.

-f                        Forces defragmentation of the volume when free space is low.

-v                        Specifies verbose mode. The defragmentation and analysis output is more detailed.

-?                        Displays this help information.

Below are defrag.exe examples:

defrag.exe d: (defrag the D: drive)

defrag.exe d:\vol\mountpoint -w -f (defrag the mountpoint while consolidation all file fragments regardless of size and if volume space is low, forces it to defrag)

defrag.exe d: -a -v (run analysis on the D: drive and set verbose mode for detailed output)

defrag.exe -c -v (defrag all volumes on your Computer and set verbose mode for detailed output

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Opportunities don't display Pipeline Phase in CRM

I've run into some cases where Dynamics CRM will not correctly display the pipeline phase in the status area of the Opportunity record. Most often, the Opportunity simply display "None" even though the Opportunity may show up correctly on Reports like the Sales Pipeline Report.

There is a quick work-around. It appears that if you add the Pipeline Phase record as a read-only record on the Opportunity form, it will correctly display in the status area.

So, dig into Setting / Customization / Customize Entities / Opportunity / Form and add the record. Make sure the check the box that sets the field as Read-Only.

Update: If you need to develop a workflow that sets the pipeline phase, you'll need to remove it from the Opportunity form or it won't show up under Additional Fields.